OIE reported tilapia lake virus in a polyculture farm (Tilapia and Cachama) in Palmira, Valle. The outbreak is associated with poor management conditions and inadequate biosecurity on the subsistence aquaculture farm. The water comes from a nearby river, which receives water discharges from dwellings and pig holdings in the area. No treatment is carried out on the water used. Wild birds and and companion animals have also free access to the production area.
OIE reported tilapia lake virus in a polyculture farm (Tilapia and Cachama) in Palmira, Valle. The outbreak is associated with poor management conditions and inadequate biosecurity on the subsistence aquaculture farm. The water comes from a nearby river, which receives water discharges from dwellings and pig holdings in the area. No treatment is carried out on the water used. Wild birds and and companion animals have also free access to the production area.