The emergence logo was designed to represent the key aspects of transboundary and emerging diseases, namely that they are continuously moving and overlapping, they occur across countries, regions and throughout the world, and that collaboration is central to their prevention, control and elimination.
Our International Veterinary Health (IVH) team mission is to improve lives by reducing diseases in animals and people globally through partnerships with governments and organisations.

We work with governments and organisations by providing solutions to control transboundary and emerging diseases, such as vaccine or antigen banks, emergency supply of vaccines, and raising disease awareness.

We continuously look for new ways to help animals and people. Technological advancements, improving communications and digital innovations help us to provide the best solutions.

A dedicated team with extensive experience in Veterinary Medicine, Marketing, Logistics and Tender Management. We have the skills to help governments and organisations around the globe.

MSD Animal Health operates in more than 140 countries, with a regional understanding enabling rapid responses to emergencies and changing disease landscapes. For example, our expertise and rapid deliveries of Lumpyvax™ vaccine helped countries in Europe manage the lumpy skin disease outbreaks.

Research is central to what we do, both within company and in collaboration with leading institutes and universities. By rapidly recognising emerging threats we developed vaccines for Bluetongue Serotype 8 (Bovilis® BTV8) and Schmallenberg Disease (Bovilis® SBV). We regularly develop new FMD strains in response to changing epidemiology.

We believe in making a difference. That is why we donate vaccines to rabies elimination programs in Africa and Asia, and support FMD research in East Africa. We also raise awareness and advance science through various awards (Rabies Hero, World Rabies Day, FMD Research).
We nurture our unique relationships with governments, organisations and animal health professionals and strive to make them stronger.
Emergence is brought to you by the International Veterinary Health (IVH) team at MSD Animal Health. Our team is based around the world in different countries, which enables us to better understand the varying disease threats impacting animals and their owners across regions.

Executive Director@Alasdair_MAH


Chanty Toenders
Associate Specialist@Chanty_MAH
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