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22 Jan 2020 to 23 Jan 2020
FAST meeting on vaccine security by EuFMD
Foot-and-mouth And Similar Transboundary animal diseases, Rome, Italy.
Security of supply of vaccines against Foot-and-mouth disease and other Similar Transboundary (FAST) diseases is a major issue for veterinary services of “free countries”, and affects progress of control programmes in endemic regions. Such diseases include FMD, LSD (Lumpy Skin Disease), SGP (Sheep and Goat Pox), PPR (Peste des Petits Ruminants), and RVF (Rift Valley Fever), where vaccines may play a significant or principal role in epidemic control. As part of its new four-year work programme, the EuFMD has committed to support a multi-stakeholder platform that could assist to bring attention and actions in issues affecting availability of sufficient high quality and appropriate vaccines when required (‘vaccine security’).
This was the first of what is intended to be a series of meetings that EuFMD will organize with the stakeholders involved in the supply and use of vaccines against FAST diseases.