25 Oct 2022 to 26 Oct 2022
IABS Workshop on Avian Influenza and Overcoming Barriers to Control – Paris, France
The International Alliance for Biological Standardization (IABS) will hold a meeting to discuss “High pathogenicity avian influenza vaccination strategies to prevent and control HPAI: removing unnecessary barriers for usage”
The workshop will provide a forum to discuss issues related to the uncontrolled spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses across Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia, with the aim of reducing barriers to prevention and control. The meeting will be open to a wide variety of stakeholders, including the WOAH, WHO, OFFLU, FAO, WTO, as well as representatives from governments, academia, industry, animal welfare and public health sectors, and consumers.
When: 25th-26th October 2022
Where: WOAH Paris, France; a hybrid meeting
Information: available on the event website
“Maintaining avian influenza freedom in poultry and preventing zoonotic infections are an increase challenge. Vaccination can be a useful tool for prevention and control, but its use is prohibited or severely restricted in many countries worldwide. Wider use of avian influenza vaccination would increase sustainable poultry production, improve animal welfare, reduce economic damage, reduce human infections, and contribute to consumers and animal welfare acceptance of control programs. A harmonised vaccination strategy with updated vaccine strains and innovative vaccine technologies, combined with appropriate diagnostics, surveillance, and disease management, can offer a better approach than stamping-out alone.”
Excerpt from the event website.