Home \ Knowledge Hub \ Events \ Lumpy Skin Disease Pilot Virtual Learning Course
20 Oct 2020 to 17 Nov 2020
Lumpy Skin Disease Pilot Virtual Learning Course
Organised by FAO and EuFMD this is a pilot of the Lumpy Skin Disease Preparedness virtual learning course.
This is an online tutored course that aims to provide participants with an understanding of lumpy skin disease (LSD) diagnosis, outbreak investigation and control. The course involves a combination of live webinars and self-directed interactive online modules, and course materials have been developed in collaboration with the Friedrich Loeffler Institut (FLI) in Germany.
More information is available from FAO here.
This 4-week online training course is available in English and Russian language. The Russian version will be run from 20th October. Self -registration is possible for interested participants at the links below.
FAO Lumpy Skin Disease Preparedness in English: register here
FAO Lumpy Skin Disease Preparedness in Russian: register here