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24 Mar 2021 to 26 Mar 2021
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Annual Conference 2021
The annual SVEPM conference 2021 will be held online from March 24th to 26th.
The draft SVEPM 2021 programme includes workshops and talks on a variety of transboundary and emerging diseases. There will be a workshop on cross-border spread of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), and conference sessions dedicated to African Swine Fever (ASF), avian influenza, and small ruminants.

Excerpt from conference website:
For the very first time, we are using a bespoke conference software package to deliver everything SVEPM usually offers to you. This means you will have access to live interactive workshops in which to learn and share ideas, you will be able to attend all live scientific sessions and discuss the science at any time with any other delegate in one of many private video-conference rooms, you will be able to see all posters and discuss with their authors either in their video-conference room or through a chat portal, you will be exposed to the SVEPM sponsors when visiting their e-stands and, most importantly, the eminent prizes for the best oral and poster presentations will be awarded at the end of the conference!
Find out more by visiting: https://www.svepm2021.org/