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22 Oct 2020
‘Pink Peony’ Painting on Auction for ‘Rabies 360 Challenge’ – Supporting Rabies Elimination

Marketing Lead, International Veterinary Health
To support rabies elimination efforts Linda Gotlieb Art from South Africa engaged in the ‘Rabies 360 Challenge’ by creating a 360-degree (round) painting called “Pink Peony”.
Get this painting now!
This beautiful 40x40x4cm oil on round stretched canvas will be on auction for the next few weeks. All funds raised will be will be donated to Rabies Awareness Body in Eshowe in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. This local organisation is committed to raising awareness of rabies, such as teaching children in the townships how to train and care for their pets.

If you want this lovely painting and most of all, you want to support efforts against rabies, contact @LindaGotliebart via her Facebook, Instagram or Messenger.
The story behind ‘Pink Peony’
Read below Linda’s story of the painting and why she chose this way to engage in ‘Rabies 360 Challenge’:

I am always ready to share my love of art by getting involved with causes close to my heart. I have recently been involved with NSRI, a local school, a local scouts group, and always, animal welfare associations.
I was invited and inspired to get involved in this challenge through Carolyn Chelchinskey who is a friend of mine and who shares a mutual love of dogs, beagles in particular! Carolyn told me about the great work that the Eshowe organization is doing to create awareness in rabies prevention. It seemed to me to be the prefect recipient for any money raised.
Why I chose a peony? There is a common myth about the peony. It is believed to be named after Paeon, the Greek physician of the gods. According to the legend, Paeon was a student of Aesculapius, the god of medicine. When Paeon used a peony root to heal Pluto — the first time this was tried — Aesculapius became jealous of his talents and tried to kill him. To save Paeon (and show compassion to him), Pluto transformed him into a peony, because he knew it was a flower that people would admire and praise. Thus, one meaning of peony is compassion.
Quite fitting for the awareness we are trying to create and the compassion needed for this challenge.

Marketing Lead, International Veterinary Health