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03 May 2021
A Spring of Change

Executive Director, International Veterinary Health
As I write this the snow is finally melting and I can see grass poking through in the garden. For the last few days, we have had flocks of grackles at the feeders. Seeing these flocks of over 100 birds, along with the warmer weather, is a sure sign that spring is on its way. It’s a time that always pushes me to thinking about change. Change is also reflected in a number of things we are doing.
Website Translator
When you visit the emergence website you will see a number of updates which I firmly believe will make your experience even better, and will enhance the value of the site. One example of improving the experience is the translator. You can now choose which language you want to use when you access the site. It even has Welsh, which pleases me immensely.

Community Response to Diseases
We have also introduced the Community Response pages. We firmly believe that community is important if we are going to make a difference in the control of One Health diseases. Only by working together can we influence our future. These new pages reflect that and will focus on activities around the world. They will also include a call to action, what people can do to add further support. We start with rabies but watch for other diseases to appear here.
New Rabies Hero Awards “Wall of Fame”
This year we are continuing the Rabies Hero Awards, which we introduced last year. The aim of these awards is to thank those who are having an impact on rabies control, and to raise awareness of the disease. Even these are seeing a change. We understand that some people working to help communities do so with very little in the way of resources. For that reason, we are now recognising both local and global heroes. In addition, you can now find the “Wall of Fame”, showing all the previous winners, on the emergence site.
Integrating Podcasts
Another really exciting development is the integration of the emergence podcast. Launched last year, the podcast has been an exciting and interesting way to hear from leaders in the different fields and from various organisations. It has been a pleasure to record the episodes and you can now access all of them directly through our website.

This means that you can find all the updates from the International Veterinary Health team in one place, and we believe this will help towards creating a united front in overcoming the impact of transboundary and emerging diseases.
Change can be challenging. And it can be difficult to keep up the momentum needed to take change from vision to reality. Together, as a community, we can support each other and, like the perseverance of a tulip pushing up through the soil, we can reach our goal of One Health One Welfare.
Executive Director, International Veterinary Health